A |
Aceńa | Pablo Martin | Head of the Economy History Department at Alcalá de Henares University | Spain |
Agasi | Bardhyl | Member of the Albanian Parliament | Albania |
Agroskine | Mihail | Publisher of the book about the Holocaust | Russia |
Aksoy | Oktay | Ambassador to Sweden | Turkey |
Alajbeg | Ljerka | Ambassador, Chief Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Croatia |
Alkas | Avi | Deputy Chairman of the Turkish-Jewish Community | Turkey |
Almazor | Cristina Barrios | Ambassador to Sweden | Spain |
Alperavicius | Simonas | Head of Lithuanian Jewish Community | Lithuania |
Alster | Edward | Assistant Director for Education, Anti-Defamation League | United States of America |
Amigues | Louis | Director of Archives, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | France |
Anchor | Felicia | Chairman, Tennessee Commission on Holocaust Education | United States of America |
Aquirre Gil de Biedma | Esperanza | Speaker of the Parliament | Spain |
Arsovski | Ljupco | Ambassador to Israel | Macedonia |
Astiazaran | Silvia | | Uruguay |
Aukrust | Knut | Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Studies | Norway |
Avidan | Eliyahu | Ambassador to Sweden | Israel |
B |
Bad-Caplan | Richelle | Coordinator, International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem | Israel |
Bagic | Snjezana | | Croatia |
Baiesi | Nadia | National Institute of Liberation Movement History | Italy |
Baptist | Marc | Ambassador, Deputy Director-General for Political Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Belgium |
Baraibar de Semino | Rosario | | Uruguay |
Barak | Ehud | Prime Minister | Israel |
Bardgett | Suzanne | Holocaust Exhibition Project Director, Imperial War Museum | United Kingdom |
Barkans | Natans | Chief Rabbi | Latvia |
Barkay | Gül Inanc | Researcher, Eylül University | Turkey |
Bascunán | Hernán | Second Secretary | Chile |
Bassat | Nina | National President, Executive Council for Australian Jewry | Australia |
Battinou | Zanet | Scientific Adviser to the Hebrew Museum of Greece | Greece |
Beglinger | Lukas | Minister, Head of the Service ”Switzerland-Second World War” | Switzerland |
Beglitis | Panagiotis | Counsellor, Director, Information Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Greece |
Beker | Avi | Director, World Jewish Congress, Israel | Israel |
Bencina | Dragoljuba | Ambassador to Sweden | Slovenia |
Benjamin | Lya | Historian and researcher Representative the Jewish Communities Federation of Romania | Romania |
Biber | Dusan | Historian, Expert on the Second World War | Slovenia |
Bie | Ylva | Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Norway |
Biggio | Piero | Archbishop | Holy See |
Bilek | Jan | Advisor to the President | Slovakia |
Bindenagel | J.D. | Ambassador, Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, U.S. Department of State | United States of America |
Bjarnason | Hördur H. | Ambassador to Sweden | Iceland |
Blankert-van Veen | T.J. | Managing Director, Assets World War II, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport | The Netherlands |
Bloch | Rolf | President of the Swiss Federation of Israelite Communities | Switzerland |
Bloomfield | Sara | Executive Director, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | United States of America |
Blum | Jacques | Ph.D. Professor, Dep. Chairman of the Board, DCHGR | Denmark |
Bluth | Elías | Secretary of the Presidency of Uruguay | Uruguay |
Boateng | Paul | MP, Minister of State and Deputy Home Secretary | United Kingdom |
Bolotowsky | Gideon | President, Jewish Community of Helsinki | Finland |
Bondevik | Kjell Magne | Prime Minister | Norway |
Borne | Dominique | Dean of the Inspectorate General of History and Geography, Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology | France |
Boston | Rosie | Holocaust Education Trust | United Kingdom |
Bozanic | Dragan | Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Bozek | Jozef | Chief of the Department of Political Analyses of the Presidential Office | Slovakia |
Brady | Stephen | Ambassador Stockholm | Australia |
Bronfman | Edgar M. | Chairman, Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States | United States of America |
Budev | Atanas | Foreign Policy Issues Secretary of the President | Bulgaria |
Bühlmann | Cécile | Vice-President of the Federal Commission against Racism | Switzerland |
Burke | Martin | Ambassador to Sweden | Ireland |
Busygin | Andrey | Deputy Chief of the Presidential Department for Internal Policy | Russia |
C |
Cazes | Alfredo | Ambassador to Sweden | Uruguay |
Ceco | Makbule | Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Social Affairs | Albania |
Cesarani | David | Director, Wiener Library | United Kingdom |
Chalkiotis | Dimitrios | Special Secretary for the Education of the Hellenes Abroad and for Intercultural Education, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs | Greece |
Chervonenko | Yevghen | Co-President of Jewish Confederation of Ukraine | Ukraine |
Chiappano | Alessandra | Teacher | Italy |
Chmelová | Teodora | Ambassador to Sweden | Slovakia |
Cichowolski | Rogelio | President of D.A.I.A. | Argentina |
Cimbák | Stefan | Director General, Ministry of Education | Slovakia |
Cohen | Leon | President of B'nai Brit of Chile | Chile |
Constantopoulou | Photini | Director, Service of Historical Archives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Greece |
Cook | Robin | MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs | United Kingdom |
Cotler | Irwin | Minister of Justice | Canada |
Cresswell | Jeremy | Head of European Union Dept (Bilateral), FCO | United Kingdom |
Cruz Guzmán Flores | Maria | Deputy Head of Mission | Spain |
Cunningham | Philip | Professor at Notre Dame College in Manchester (USA) | Holy See |
Czarny | Ryszard | Ambassador to Sweden | Poland |
D |
D´Alema | Massimo | Prime Minister | Italy |
Danieli | Franco | Undersecretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Italy |
Dassů | Marta | Counsellor for International Affairs | Italy |
de Galainena | Fernando | Secretary to the Commission for Investigation of the III Reich's Gold Transactions during World War II, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Spain |
de la Rúa | Fernando | President of Argentina | Argentina |
De Ro | Jo | Adviser projects, Private office of the Minister of Education | Belgium |
Dervisbegovic | Hasan | Ambassador to Sweden | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Derzhaliuk | Mykola | Assistant to the Prime Minister | Ukraine |
Deutsch | Oskar | Vicepresident of the Austrian Jewish Community | Austria |
Diaconescu | Cristian | Director General, General Direction for Legal and Consular Affairs | Romania |
Dimitroff | Peter | Legislative Assistant | Canada |
Dimitrov | Aleksandar | Minister for Foreign Affairs | Macedonia |
Dimitrov | Bojan | Adviser – Translator | Macedonia |
Djerassi | Jaakov | Representative of the Jewish Community in Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Dluhosova | Helena | Head of Group, President´s Office | Czech Republic |
Dorian | Dorel | M.P., Vice President of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies | Romania |
Dřrum | Odd Einar | Minister of Justice | Norway |
dos Santos | Carvalho | Professor | Portugal |
Dostert | Paul | Director (National Centre for Documentation and Research) | Luxemburg |
Dreifuss | Ruth | Federal Councillor, Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDH) | Switzerland |
Droutsas | Dimitrios | Special Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Affairs | Greece |
Dubbelman | J.E. | Head International Department, Anne Frank Foundation | The Netherlands |
Duetoft | Peter | Member of Parliament | Denmark |
Dunlop | Ronaldo | Adviser to the State Secretary for Human Rights | Brazil |
Durjava | Iztok | Director of the Museum of Recent History | Slovenia |
E |
Edyvean | Walter | Head of Office of University of the Congregation for Catholic Education | Holy See |
Eidintas | Alfonsos | Ambassador for special missions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Lithuania |
Eizenstat | Stuart E. | Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury | United States of America |
Ekström | Sören | Chairman of the Committee of the Living History Forum | Sweden |
Engel | Norbert | Inspector General, Ministry of Culture and Communication | France |
Eser-Davoglio | Miryam | Expert | Switzerland |
F |
Ferreira | Isabel | First Secretary | Portugal |
Finci | Jakob | President of the Jewish Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Fischer | Pavel | Director of the Political Department of the President´s Office | Czech Republic |
Fisher | Eugene | Associate Director of the NCCB Secretariat for Catholic- Jewish Relations | Holy See |
Fleischer | David | President of the Foundation Memoria del Holocausto | Argentina |
Folwarczny | Andrzej | Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Polish-Israeli Parliamentary Group | Poland |
Forgion | Liliana Picciotto | Centre of Jewish Documentation | Italy |
Foster | George | President of the Australian Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors & Descendents | Australia |
Frater | Neil | Race Equality Unit, Home Office | United Kingdom |
Freeman | Bennet | Deputy Assistant Scretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, U.S. Department of State | United States of America |
Freidman | Michel | Deputy Head of the Central Council of Jews in Germeny | Germany |
G |
Gal | Egon | Director of the Institute for Jewry of the Commenius University in Bratislava | Slovakia |
Galizia | Michele | Secretariate General of the FDH | Switzerland |
Geceska | Zora | Counsellor of the Prime Minister | Macedonia |
Gelli | Robert | Adviser to the Prime Minister (Justice) | France |
Georgievski | Ljubco | Prime Minister | Macedonia |
Gerhard | Rosine | Director, Corporate Affairs, Dept of Canadian Heritage | Canada |
Giavarini | Adalberto Rodriguez | Minister for Foreign Affairs | Argentina |
Gill | Zvi | Director External Relations Department, Organisation for Holocaust | Israel |
Gleason | Andrea | Second Secretary Australian Embassy, Stockholm | Australia |
Goerens | Charles | Minister of Cooperation and Defence | Luxemburg |
Gold | Trudy | Education Director, The Spiro Institute | United Kingdom |
Goldman | Ralph | Honorary Executive Vice President, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee | United States of America |
Goldstein | Ivo | Coordination of the Jewish Communities of Croatia | Croatia |
Golev | Yaroslav | Chief of the President´s Protocol | Bulgaria |
Gontmaher | Eugeny | Head of Department, Social Development | Russia |
Goussinsky | Vladimir | President of the Russian Jewish Congress | Russia |
Graf-Zumsteg | Christian | Expert | Switzerland |
Grant | John | Ambassador to Sweden | United Kingdom |
Gray | Herb | Deputy Prime Minister | Canada |
Greenberg | Anne | Academic | France |
Gregori | José | State Secretary for Human Rights | Brazil |
Gruber | Heinz | Director General (Education), Ministry for Education and Cultural Affairs | Austria |
Guerra | Alvaro | Ambassador to Sweden | Portugal |
Gundelach | Ulrich | Federal Chancellery, Berlin | Germany |
Gürel | Sükrü Sina | Minister of State, Professor | Turkey |
Gurin-Loov | Eugenia | Jewish Community in Estonia | Estonia |
H |
Hagtvedt | Bernt | Professor, University of Oslo | Norway |
Hait | Boris | Vice President of the Russian Jewish Congress | Russia |
Hajdenberg | Henri | Lawyer, President of the Representative Committee of French Jewish Institutions | France |
Handke | Miroslaw | Minister of Education | Poland |
Hang | Julio | General, Chief of the President´s Military Staff | Argentina |
Harpaz | Rafael | Counsellor | Israel |
Harviainen | Tapani | PhD Professor of Semitic Studies | Finland |
Hatchwell | Mauricio | Member of the Commission for Investigation of the III Reich's Gold Transactions during World War II | Spain |
Hatzimichalis | Alexios | Cuonsellor, Minister´s Diplomatic Office | Greece |
Hauksson | Orri | Political Adviser | Iceland |
Havel | Václav | President of the Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
Hawell | Albertos | Vice President of the Central Israeli Council of Greece | Greece |
Haykin | Valery | Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian Jewish Congress | Russia |
Helena | Maria | | Portugal |
Helfgott | Ben | 45 Aid Society | United Kingdom |
Herzog | Enrique Múgica | Ombudsman | Spain |
Heye | Uwe-Karsten | Secretary of State, Spokesman of the Fed. Government | Germany |
Hjelm-Wallén | Lena | Deputy Prime Minister | Sweden |
Hjertonsson | Ulf | Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Sweden |
Hoeckman | Rémi | O.P. Secretary of the Commission for Religious Relationswith Judaism | Holy See |
Hoffman | Lasse | Councellor of Education | Finland |
Holomek | Karel | Muzeum of Roma Culture in Brno, Chairman of Roma´s Association in Moravia | Czech Republic |
Horn | Frank | PhD Docent | Finland |
Husák | Tomás | Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Sweden | Czech Republic |
Hyland | Sonja | Second Secretary | Ireland |
I |
Iltchev | Ivan | Professor, Sofia University | Bulgaria |
Imhaus | Patrick | Ambassador to Sweden | France |
J |
Jabloner | Clemens | President of Administrative Court and President of the Historians Commission | Austria |
Jezernik | Bozidar | Historian, Head of the Department for Ethnology, Culture and Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana | Slovenia |
Johannesdotter | Jürgen | Landessuperintendent , German Protestant Church | Germany |
Jonas | Romas | Misiunas Ambassador to Israel | Lithuania |
Jones | Jeremy | President of the Australian Jewery | Australia |
Jospin | Lionel | Prime Minister | France |
K |
Kadare | Shahin | Ambassador to Sweden | Albania |
Kalfon | Lucien | Prefect, Director of the Dray Commission | France |
Kalo | Emil | Representative of the Jewish Community in Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Kaltenbach | Jenö | Parliamentary Commissioner for the rights of national and Ethnic minorities | Hungary |
Kangeris | Karlis | Historian, Stockholm University, Member of the History Commission | Latvia |
Kantor | Leo | Chairman of the International Culture Forum | Sweden |
Kastanian | Rachilč | Deputy Director of the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum | Lithuania |
Kernozhitsky | Nikolaj | First Secretary of the Embassy of Belarus to Sweden | Belarus |
Kessler | David | Adviser to the Prime Minister (Culture and Communication.) | France |
Kichler | Jerzy | President of the Union of Jewish Religious Communities in Poland | Poland |
Kirchhof | Arno | Foreign Office, Berlin | Germany |
Kjaerum | Morten | Director, Danish Centre for Human Rights | Denmark |
Klavina | Aija | Chairperson of the Association of Teachers | Latvia |
Klima | Viktor | Federal Chancellor, Head of Delegation | Austria |
Klothen | Kenneth L. | Executive Director, Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States | United States of America |
Kniess | Günter | German Protocol, Foreign Office, Berlin | Germany |
Knigge | Volkhard | Director, Memorial-Site Buchenwald | Germany |
Kok | Wim | Prime Minister | The Netherlands |
Kondakov | Alexander | Deputy Minister of Education | Russia |
Korka | Mihai | Counsellor of the Minister for National Education | Romania |
Kovács | Magda Kósáné | MP, Chairman of Standing Comm | Hungary |
Kravtjenko | Oleg I. | Counsellor of the Embassy of Belarus to Sweden | Belarus |
Krimm | Stefan | Conference of Ministers of Culture of the Fed. States | Germany |
Kronfeld | Judith | Director of the Co-ordination Committee of Jewish Organisations in Belgium | Belgium |
Krupnikovs | Grigorijs | Chairman of Jewish Community | Latvia |
Kubilius | Andrius | Prime Minister | Lithuania |
Kucan | Milan | President of the Republic of Slovenia | Slovenia |
Kuleshov | Valery | Leader of the scientific program of the Kovcheg Found Vladimir Lakeev Counsellor of the Linguistic Department of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Russia |
Kwasniewski | Aleksander | President of the Republic of Poland | Poland |
Kwiatkowski | Roman | Chairman of the Roma Association in Poland | Poland |
Kyröläinen | Hannu | Ambassador | Finland |
L |
Ladislau | Gyemant | Director of the Institute of Hebrew Studies, Deputy Dean of Babes-Bolyai University | Romania |
Lador-Fresher | Talya | Deputy Director, Department of World Jewish Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem | Israel |
Lanzmann | Claude | Journalist, Movie Director | France |
Laud | Cilja | Jewish Community in Estonia | Estonia |
Law-Lavie | Naphtali | Ambassador, Vice Chairman of the Executive (Political Affairs) World Jewish Restitution Organisation | Israel |
Leipciger | Nathan | Chair, Holocaust Remembrance Committee, World Jewish Congress | Canada |
Leithäuser | Thomas | Professor, Conference of Ministers of Culture of the Fed. States | Germany |
Lemke | Willi | Chairman of the Conference of Ministers of Culture of the Fed. States | Germany |
Lerman | Miles | Chairman, United States Holocaust Memorial Council | United States of America |
Lessing | Hannah | Secretary-Generalof the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for the Victims of National Socialism | Austria |
Levi | Dragica | Secretary General of the Jewish Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Levin | Leonid M. | President of the Belarusian Jewish Public Associations and Communities Union | Belarus |
Lipponen | Paavo | Prime Minister | Finland |
Longva | Hans Wilhelm | Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Norway |
Luzzatto | Amos | President of Italian Jewish Communities Union | Italy |
M |
Macaya | Commodore Roberto | Aide de Camp of the President | Argentina |
Magdziak-Miszewska | Agnieszka | Member of the Task Force for International cooperation on Holocaust, Education, Remembrance and Research | Poland |
Magendzo | Abraham | Expert on the Holocaust, Ministry of Education | Chile |
Majkowski | Andrzej | Under-Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President | Poland |
Majoor | F.A.M. | Ambassador at Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Netherlands |
Malbasic | Mihovil | Assitant Minister of Foreign Affairs | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Marga | Andrei | Minister for National Education | Romania |
Mariaschin | Daniel | Director, B´nai B´rith Center for Public Policy | United States of America |
Martinez-Cubellas | Isabel | | Spain |
Martynov | Sergei N. | First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs | Belarus |
MatKovic | Gabi | Advisor to the President | Slovenia |
Mattéoli | Jean | Chairman of the Commission of Enquiry on Despoilment of Jews in France | France |
Matulionis | Deividas | Government´s Advisor on Foreign Affairs | Lithuania |
Matvienko | Valentina | Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation | Russia |
Maxwell | David G. | Associate Director, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | United States of America |
Maydannik | Alexander | Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs | Ukraine |
Meed | Benjamin | President, American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors | United States of America |
Meeusen | Ayke | Policy Officer, National 4 and 5 May Committee | The Netherlands |
Melchior | Bent | Chief Rabbi Emeritus, Member of the Board, DCHGR | Denmark |
Merzagora | Giovanna Massariello | National Association of ex Deported | Italy |
Mock | Hanspeter | Deputy Head of the Service Switzerland-Second World War | Switzerland |
Mock | Karen | National Director of the Leauge for Human Rights of B´nai Brith Canada, Director, Holocaust Education Program | Canada |
Moga | Vlad-Andrei | Chargé d´Affaires a.i., Embassy of Romania, Stockholm | Romania |
Moscovici | Pierre | Minister Delegate to the Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of European matters | France |
Moyse | Francois | Consistoire Israélite | Luxemburg |
Mucznick | Esther | Representative of the Jewish Community | Portugal |
Muhametshin | Pharit | Head of Department, Public Relations and contacts with Religious Organizations | Russia |
Mulder | D. | Director, Remembrance Centre Westerbork Camp | The Netherlands |
Muzicant | Ariel | President of the Austrian Jewish Community | Austria |
N |
Naftaly | Ayala Ben | Director General | Israel |
Naftaniël | R. | Director of CIDI (Centre Information and Documentation Israel) | The Netherlands |
Nauduzas | Vytautas | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Sweden | Lithuania |
Naumann | Michael | Minister of State for Cultural Affairs in the Fed. Chancellery | Germany |
Naumov | Gjorgji | President of the State Commission for the Religious Communities | Macedonia |
Navaro | Daniel | Acting Chairman of the Turkish-Jewish Community | Turkey |
Nikiforov | Alexey | Ambassador to Sweden | Russia |
Nimmo | Rick | First Secretary Australian Embassy, Stockholm | Australia |
Nooter | N. | Director, National 4 and 5 May Committee | The Netherlands |
Nuder | Pär | Minister for Policy Co-ordination | Sweden |
Nul, Ing. | Roberto | Member of the Council of B nai B rith | Argentina |
Nurmela | Risto | PhD Docent | Finland |
Nyrup Rasmussen | Poul | Prime Minister | Denmark |
O |
Oddsson | David | Prime Minister | Iceland |
of Mill Hill | Levy | Lord | United Kingdom |
Olivieri | Francesco | Diplomatic Counsellor | Italy |
Olson | Lyndon | Ambassador to Sweden | United States of America |
Ortayli | Ilber | Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Professor | Turkey |
Osovtsov | Alexander | Executive Vice President of the Russian Jewish Congress | Russia |
Ottolenghi | Luisella Mortara | President of the of Jewish Documentation | Italy |
P |
Padilla | Norberto | Secretary of State of Worship | Argentina |
Palous | Martin | Deputy Foreign Minister | Czech Republic |
Paltiel | Julius | Representative for the survivors | Norway |
Pandzic | Miljenko | Assistant Director, Croatian State Archives | Croatia |
Panovski | Vangel | Special Adviser | Macedonia |
Pantelides | Leonidas | Ambassador to Sweden | Cyprus |
Papandreou | George | Minister for Foreign Affairs | Greece |
Papandreou | Nicolaos | Member of the Board of the George Papandreou Institute | Greece |
Pereira | Linda | Assistent to the Minister | Portugal |
Perez | Ana Candida | Counsellor, Stockholm | Brazil |
Peronja | Marija | Assistant, Minister of Education | Croatia |
Persson | Göran | Prime Minister, Host and Head of Delegation | Sweden |
Péry-d´Alincourt | Jacqueline | | France |
Petric | Ernest | State Secretary at the MFA | Slovenia |
Pezzetti | Marcello | Centre of Jewish Documentation | Italy |
Philippov | Vladimir | Minister of Education | Russia |
Pingel | Falk | Georg-Eckert-Institut | Germany |
Pojar | Milos | Director of the Education and Culture Centre of the Jewish Museum in Prague | Czech Republic |
Popova | Jasmine | Ambassador to Sweden | Bulgaria |
Porro | Pablo | Second Secretary | Uruguay |
Poulsen | Henning | Professor, Chairman of the Board of DCHGR (Danish Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Research) | Denmark |
Prifti | Klime | Director, Deputy Prime Minister´s Cabinet | Albania |
Prinsen | B. | Policy Officer, Remembrance Centre Westerbork Camp | The Netherlands |
Proost | A.C.M. | Projectleader, Assets World War II, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport | The Netherlands |
R |
Racinskas | Ronaldas | Director of the International Commission to Evaluate the Crimes of Nazis and Soviet Occupational Regime | Lithuania |
Rajkovic | Toni | Teacher | Croatia |
Rajner | Igor | President of the Jewish Municipality Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Ramet | Nathan | Flemish Community of Belgium, Chairman of the Jewish Museum of Deportation and Resistance, Mechelen | Belgium |
Rannu | Karin | Third Secretary, Estonian Embassy in Sweden | Estonia |
Reisel | Berit | Deputy Chairman | Norway |
Riedl | Johannes | Executive President of the School Board of the Province of Upper-Austria | Austria |
Ronen | Moshe | National President, World Jewish Congress | Canada |
Rubinkiewicz | Ryszard | Representative of Polish Episcopate | Poland |
Rudko | Mykola | Head of State Committee of Ukraine for Nationalities and Migration | Ukraine |
Rybachuk | Oleg | Head of the Office of the Prime Minister | Ukraine |
Rzemykowski | Tadeusz | Deputy Speaker of the Senate | Poland |
S |
Saban | Giacomo | Vice President of Italian Jewish Communities Union | Italy |
Saboia | Gilberto Vergne | Ambassador to Sweden | Brazil |
Sacks | Jonathan | Chief Rabbi | United Kingdom |
Sadikario | Samuel | Jewish Community in Macedonia | Macedonia |
Saks | Katrin | Minister of Ethnic Affairs | Estonia |
Sandlund | Tom | Professor | Finland |
Scheffer | David | Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues, U.S. Department of State | United States of America |
Scherbakov | Lev | Deputy Chief, Secretariat of Deputy Chairman of the Government V.I.Matvienko | Russia |
Schmid | Peter | Director of Pulic Education and Culture, Basel | Switzerland |
Schmidt | Greg | Executive Assistant | Canada |
Schmitt-Neubauer | Rosa | Office Minister of State | Germany |
Schneider | Greg | Assistant Executive Vice President, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany | United States of America |
Schoentgen | Marc | Professor | Luxemburg |
Scholz | Kurt | Executive President of the School Board of the city of Vienna | Austria |
Schreiber | Jean-Philippe | Université Libre de Bruxelles, French Community of Belgium | Belgium |
Schröder | Gerhardt | Federal Chancellor | Germany |
Schuster | Rudolf | President of the Slovak Republic | Slovakia |
Seilenthal | Jüri | Deputy Under Secretary, MFA (Ambassador to Israel, residing in Tallinn) | Estonia |
Semino | Miguel A. | Ambassador to France | Uruguay |
Semjén | Zsolt | Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Culture | Hungary |
Sfeir | Alejandro | Second Secretary | Chile |
Sgherri | Anna | Italian Representative of the Task Force | Italy |
Shalem | Motti | Director, International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem | Israel |
Shalev | Binyamin | Director of World Jewish Affairs | Israel |
Shein | Hagi | Presidential Roundtable on National Minorities | Estonia |
Shmuel | Shmuel Ben | Director, Department of World Jewish Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem | Israel |
Sílajdzic | Haris | Head of delegation, Co-Chairman of the Council of Ministers | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Singer | Israel | Secretary General, World Jewish Congress | United States of America |
Sirbu | Nicoleta | Attaché, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Romania |
Sitler | Jiri | Director of the Department for Central Europe, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Czech Republic |
Siwiec | Marek | Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President | Poland |
Skardziuviene | Irena | Head of the Prime Minister´s Protocol Office | Lithuania |
Slaus | Ivo | Member of Parliament | Croatia |
Slipchenko | Olexander | Ambassador of Ukraine to Sweden | Ukraine |
Sobel | Henry | Rabbi, President of the Sao Paulo Jewish Community | Brazil |
Soihert | Simion | Member of the Presidential Committee for National Minorities | Moldova |
Some | Steven E. | Chairman, New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education | United States of America |
Spanos | Georgios | Counsellor (press) | Cyprus |
Sperling | Vibeke | Foreign Editor, Politiken | Denmark |
Spiegel | Albert | Director General for Cultural Affairs, Foreign Office, Berlin | Germany |
Spiegel | Paul | President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany | Germany |
Stasz | Michal | Speaker | Slovakia |
Steg | Adolphe | Vice-Chairman of the Mattéoli Commission | France |
Steinberg | Maxime | Democracy or Barbarism Unit, French Community of Belgium | Belgium |
Steiner | Michael | Director General for Foreign Affairs, Fed. Chancellery | Germany |
Sternberg | Sigmund | International Council of Christians and Jews | United Kingdom |
Stoyanov | Peter | President of the Republic of Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Stranga | Aivars | Professor of History University of Latvia, Member of the History Commission | Latvia |
Stumpf | István | Minister of Coordination, Prime Ministers Office | Hungary |
Suonio | Kaarina | Managing Director | Finland |
Sved | Georg | The Swedish Federation for Lesbian and Gay Rights | Sweden |
Svob | Melita | Coordinator of the Jewish Communities of Croatia | Croatia |
Szemkeo | Judit | State Secretary, Department of Education | Hungary |
Szigeti | Laszlo | State Secretary of Education | Slovakia |
Szurmiej | Szymon | Chairman of the Confederation of Jewish Associations in Poland, Member of the Board of the European Jewish Congress | Poland |
T |
Tabachnik | Eldred | President Board of Deputies of British Jews | United Kingdom |
Tabajara | Nelson Antonio | First Secretary, Stockholm | Brazil |
Taboada | Fernando | Ambassador, Director of Protocol | Argentina |
Teitelbaum-Hirsh | Viviane | Chairwoman of the Co-ordination Committee of Jewish Organisations in Belgium | Belgium |
Telle | Serge | Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister | France |
Tempesta | Franco | Vice Director of Economic Affairs | Italy |
Terzieva | Neri | Press-secretary to the President | Bulgaria |
Todorova | Sofija | Ambassador to Sweden | Macedonia |
Tomaj | Dénes | Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Hungary |
Trutwin | Werner | German Bishop´s Conference | Germany |
Tuchinin | Viacheslav | Head of section of the Second European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Russia |
Tuge-Erecinska | Barbara | Under-Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Poland |
Turski | Marian | Representative of the Association of Jews Veterans and Sufferer of the Second World War | Poland |
U |
Unga | Andres | Ambassador to Sweden | Estonia |
V |
Valent | Paul | Founder of the Child Survivors of the Holocaust, President, Australasian Society of Traumatic Stress-Studies | Australia |
van der Heijden | T.J.L.M. | Director, ICODO Foundation (Information and Coordination Body for Service Provision to War Victims) | The Netherlands |
van der Wulp | G.E. | Political Advisor to the Prime Minister. Deputy General Director | The Netherlands |
van Klaveren | Alberto | Ambassador, Director of Policy Planning, Ministry for Foreign Affairs | Chile |
van Kuik | M.H. | Policy Officer, ICODO | The Netherlands |
van Zeeland | T. | Policy Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs | The Netherlands |
Vanhove | Nicolas | Deputy Counsellor, Mission Restitution Spoiled Goods, Ministry of Economy | Belgium |
Vara | Armando | Minister Assistent to the Prime Minister | Portugal |
Varela | Ekaterini | Scientific Advisor to the George Papandreou Institute | Greece |
Vestager | Margrethe | Minister for Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs | Denmark |
Vestermanis | Margers | Director of the Jewish Museum | Latvia |
Vike-Freiberga | Vaira | State President | Latvia |
Visser | R.K. | Spokesman of the Prime Minister, Deputy Secretary General | The Netherlands |
Visy | Zsolt | Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Culture | Hungary |
Vitols | Maris | Minister of Education and Science | Latvia |
von der Planitz | Bernhard | Ambassador, Chief of Protocol, Foreign Office, Berlin | Germany |
von Langermann | Ursula | Federal Press and Information Office, Berlin | Germany |
Vondrácek | Ales | Director General, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport | Czech Republic |
Vrhunec | Miha | Advisor to the President | Slovenia |
Vuolasranta | Miranda | Secretary General | Finland |
Vural | Volkan T. | Director of Section, Directorate General of Multilateral Economic Affairs | Turkey |
W |
Wadensjö | Bengt | Bishop of Karlstad, The Swedish Church | Sweden |
Wall | Hazey | Anti Defamation League | Bulgaria |
Wärnersson | Ingegerd | Minister of Schools and Adult Education | Sweden |
Westra | J.F. | Director, Anne Frank Foundation | The Netherlands |
Wilde | Imogen | Head of Curriculum and Communication Group, Schools Directorate, Dept. for Education & Employment | United Kingdom |
Wilner | Rochelle | Senior Vice-President of B´nai Brith Canada, National Chair, Holocaust Education Committee | Canada |
Wolf | B. | Policy Officer, Jewish Historical Museum | The Netherlands |
Y |
Yanovich | Ivan I. | Deputy Chairman of the State Committe on the religions and the nationalities of the Republic of Belarus | Belarus |
Yermalovich | Aleg V. | Ambassador to Sweden | Belarus |
Yilmaz | Bahri | Adviser to the Minister | Turkey |
Yushchenko | Victor | Prime Minister | Ukraine |
Ü |
Ünal | Hasan | Professor, Bilkent University | Turkey |
Z |
Zalite | Elga | Adviser to the President on issues of the History Commission | Latvia |
Zanzer | Alexander | Director General of the Central Jewish Welfare Organisastion, Anwerp | Belgium |
Zarudna | Nataliya | Head of Press Service of the Prime Minister | Ukraine |
Zeqo | Moikom | Director of the National Museum in Tirana | Albania |
Zic-Fuchs | Milena | Minister of Science and Technology | Croatia |
Zoltay | Gusztáv | Chairman, Representative of the Hung. Jewish Community | Hungary |
Zoto | Naim | Adviser at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs | Albania |
Ř |
Řstergĺrd | Uffe | Professor, Director, DCHGR | Denmark |