Documentation Center of Cambodia




THE HIJAB OF CAMBODIA: Memories of Cham Muslim Women after the Khmer Rouge

By Farina So


Monument Book, July 15, 2011

Photo by: Dara P. Vanthan, Soksreinirh Ten, Sokvisal Kimsrouy and Dacil Q. Keo

"This is a welcome addition to the research on the experience of the Cham during the period of Democratic Kampuchea." Elizabeth Becker, Author, "WHEN THE WAR WAS OVER: CAMBODIA'S REVOLUTION AND THE VOICE OF ITS PEOPLE"




Most of my professional life has been spent prosecuting mass atrocities.  A  significant proportion of the victims of these horrors, whether the crimes took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia or Darfur, have been those of
Islamic faith. Women have been particular targets of violence and indignities.

The men of the Cham Muslims were targeted for elimination leaving the women to rebuild communities and raise and educate their children. Estimates of Cham deaths during the Khmer Rouge regime range from 100,000 to 500,000.
This year the trial of the four most senior living members of the Khmer Rouge will begin at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC). The fate of the Cham people under the Khmer Rouge has been
characterized by the Court's investigating judges as genocide.  The Trial Chamber will ultimately determine whether this is the case.

Thanks to Documentation Center of Cambodia I have listened to the Cham, to mostly women in fact, speaking of their suffering under the Khmer Rouge.  Of the tearing apart of their dignity and faith and of those loved and lost.
This monograph recounts to us shocking and occasionally uplifting parts of the human condition seen through the eyes of women -- of family, faith, suffering, death, survival and forgiveness.

Andrew Cayley

International Co-Prosecutor
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC)

United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trial (UNAKRT)