
Above: NorngChen KimTy, daughter of a child survivor at S-21’s Khmer Rouge secret prison, Norng Chan Phal. Photo by Ouch Makara.
Source: Documentation Center of Cambodia Archives.
When it was founded in 1995, DC-Cam had a staff of three. Today, we
have 38 employees and 9 volunteers, all of whom are Cambodian (view
Staff List,
photographs of
our staff by John J. Daigle).
Please see the photos of staff 2016 by
Charlotte Pert.
DC-Cam Human Resource Manual/Staff Policy.
All of our staff begin working at the Center as volunteers for three
months to a year, during which time they are observed and evaluated by
the Director to determine if they are adequately committed to
undertake the Center’s demanding work. We require our volunteers and
staff to have proficiency in English and computer skills.
Candidates who are successful in making the transition to employee
are asked to sign a contract with the Center, generally for 6 months.
Their contracts may be renewed based upon a
managerial evaluation of each staff member's performance.
The salaries and benefits DC-Cam offers its employees are
competitive with those of other Cambodian non-government
organizations. Our benefits include annual and sick leave, paid
holidays, merit increases, and training.
DC-Cam Policy: Gender Issues at DC-Cam
Since its founding, DC-Cam has implemented programs that aim to
constantly increase the capabilities of our staff. These include:
Internal Training.
We have offered numerous training courses given by our staff and
outside experts in such areas as research methods, interviewing,
English language, Internet research, Khmer Rouge terminology,
microfilming, cataloguing, and transliteration. In addition, several
of our staff have attended six-week legal training courses DC-Cam has
offered in preparation for the tribunal of senior Khmer Rouge leaders
Local Training.
DC-Cam occasionally sends
promising staff members to upgrade their English at a local school or
university. In addition, our staff members have been trained in radio
broadcasting and identifying people who suffer from post-traumatic
stress disorder by experts within
Overseas Training.
Every year, DC-Cam sends
selected staff members abroad to gain new skills and knowledge. They
have received short-term training in such subjects as information
technology (Singapore),
database management (Australia),
human rights (South Africa,
Canada, Ireland, UK, USA), anthropology (South Africa),
graphics and book design (India),
ICCROM-organized courses (Southeast Asia), In-Class teaching
internship at Lowell High School (USA) and Southeast Asian Semester
Program at Chiang Mai University (Thailand) and many others.
In addition, we have been able to obtain scholarships for several
of our staff to obtain advanced degrees, not to mention advanced
training programmes in Human Rights. They are:
1. |
Bunsou Sour: MA, International Human Rights Law, Essex University, UK.
(1 degree) |
2. |
Charya Chum: LL.M Law, Temple University, USA. (1 degree) |
3. |
Dany Long: MA, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University. (1 degree) |
4. |
Dara P. Vanthan: LL.M in Human Rights, University of Notre Dame Law School, USA. (1 degree) |
5. |
Davin Chhay: Diploma, Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK. (1 degree) |
6. |
Farina So: MA, Southeast Asia Studies, Ohio University, USA. PhD Candidate, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. (2 degrees) |
7. |
Irene Sokha: BBA, Melbourne University, Australia. (1 degree) |
8. |
Kalyan Sann: MA, International Museum Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden. (1 degree) |
9. |
Keo Kannitha Kim: MA, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK. (1 degree) |
10. |
Khamboly Dy: MA & PhD, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (2 degrees) |
11. |
Kok-Chay Ly: MA candidate in
Geography, Kent State University, USA. (1 degree) |
12. |
Kok-Thay Eng: MA, Genocide and Peace Studies, Coventry University, UK.
MA & PhD, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (3 degrees) |
13. |
Kosal Phat: MA & PhD, International Relations,
University of Southern California, USA. (2 degrees) |
14. |
Kunthy Seng: MA, Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
MA, History of
Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London, UK. (2 degrees) |
15. |
Lina Norng: MA, Education Leadership and Management, Flinders University, Australia. (1 degree) |
16. |
Meng-Try Ea: MA, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK. MA, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (2 degrees) |
17. |
Ratanak Leng: Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University, South Korea. (1 degree) |
18. |
Pechet Men: MA, Development Studies, Chulalongkorn University,
Thailand. (1 degree) |
19. |
Penh Samnang Kan: MA, School for Global Inclusion & Social Development,
and MA of Social Study, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA. (2 degrees) |
20. |
Phalla Chea: MA, European Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. MA, Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. (2 degrees) |
21. |
Phalla Prum: MA, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK. (1 degree) |
22. |
Pivoine Beang: MA, International Museum Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden. (1 degree) |
23. |
Pong-Rasy Pheng: MA, Educational Leadership and Management, De La Salle University, Philippines. (1 degree) |
24. |
Savina Sirik: MA, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK. MA, Geography, Kent State University, USA.
PhD Candidate, Peace and Develpment Research, School of Global
Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. (3 degrees) |
25. |
Sayana Ser: MSc. in Leisure, Tourism and Environment, Wageningen Agricultural University and Research Centre, Netherlands. (1 degree) |
26. |
Simala Pan: MA Candidate, Tourism & Museum Studies, Wageningen University, Netherlands. (1 degree) |
27. |
Samphors Huy: MA & PhD Candidate,
Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (2 degrees) |
28. |
Socheat Nhean: MA, Anthropology, Northern Illinois University, USA. MA, Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. UK. (2 degrees) |
29. |
Sokchamroeun Ly: MA, Peace Studies, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. (1 degree) |
30. |
Sok-Kheang Ly: MA
& PhD, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, UK. (2 degrees) |
31. |
Soksreinith Ten:
MA, Political Science, Northern Illinios University, USA. (1 degree) |
32. |
Sokvisal Kimsroy:
LL.M, Hong Kong University and MA & PhD student in geography, Kent State University, USA. (3 degrees) |
33. |
Solyda Say: MA candidate, Education Management, Syracuse University, USA. (1 degree) |
34. |
Sophary Noy: MA, Peace and Reconciliation, Coventry University, UK. MA, International Human Rights, University of Hong Kong. (2 degrees) |
35. |
Sophorn Huy: MBA, De LaSalle University, Philippines. (1 degree) |
36. |
Sorya Sim: MA,
International Relations, Yale University, USA. (1 degree) |
37. |
Sothearith Im: MA
& PhD, Mass Communication, Ohio University, USA. (2 degrees) |
38. |
Sovann Mam: MA Candidate, Development Studies, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. (1 degree) |
39. |
Sreyneath Pool:
MA, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (1 degree) |
40. |
Suyheang Kry: MA, Peace Studies, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA. (1 degree) |
41. |
Terith Chy: LL.M in Human Rights, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. MA, Criminology, the University of Hull, UK. (2 degrees) |
42. |
Utara Norng: MA in Development Economics, William College, USA. (1 degree) |
43. |
Vannak Huy: MA, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (1 degree) |
44. |
Vichea S. Tieng:
MA, Mass Communication, Ohio University, USA. (1 degree) |
45. |
Chenda Seang: MA, Holocaust Studies, Haifa University, Israel. (1 degree) |
46. |
Fatily Sa: MA, Global Affairs, Rutgers University, USA. (1 degree) |
47. |
Malen Chung: MA, Architecture, University of Science, Malaysia (1 degree) |
48. |
Pronh Chan:
Diploma, Art and Archaeology, School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London, UK. (1 degree) |
49. |
Seanghai Veng: MA, Development Studies, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. (1 degree) |
50. |
Yonghuort Lim: MA,
Architecture, University of Science, Malaysia. (1 degree) |
51. |
Pheana Sopheak:
MA, International Journalism Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University,
Hong Kong. (1 degree) |
52. |
Makara Ouch is
among 12 international filmmakers from around the world who are
invited for 2 weeks of documentary master classes at the USC School
of Cinematic Arts (SCA) in Los Angeles, 2018. |
TOTAL: 70 ( MA &
PhD degrees) |
Every year the scope of DC-Cam's work has broadened, placing more
responsibilities on the organization. We continue to recruit
additional staff to meet the demands for our work as financial support
becomes available.
you are interested in joining DC-Cam, please contact:
Dara P. Vanthan
Deputy Director