Together, We Can Ensure Justice is Done





Together, we can ensure that justice is done.


Youk Chhang

Director of Documentation Center of Cambodia


June 3, 2003


For many years, Cambodians have awaited justice for the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge (KR), whose Democratic Kampuchea (DK) regime governed the country between April 17, 1975 and January 6, 1979. Their abuses have hung like a dark shadow over the lives of the victims and their families, and hindered our nation’s development.


Since the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) was founded in January 1995, we have been deeply engaged in the search for truth and accountability with respect to the Khmer Rouge period.  That process has often been very challenging.  However, concerted efforts by Cambodians and concerned members of the international community have resulted in significant strides toward justice in Cambodia. At last, the prospect of a legal accounting is clearly in sight. 


On March 17, 2003, representatives from the United Nations and Cambodian government initialed a draft agreement that would establish extraordinary chambers to hear cases against senior leaders of Democratic Kampuchea and those who were most responsible for the crimes and serious violations while the regime held power. On May 2, the Third Committee of the United Nations adopted the draft agreement by consensus.  On May 13, the UN’s 191-member General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution containing the draft agreement. The US still would provide diplomatic support for the tribunal regardless of when it is set up. The Cambodian National Assembly is widely expected to approve the draft in the very near future. 


These developments mark a major step forward in the long and difficult process of coping with Cambodia’s tragic past.  They reflect the international and domestic will to put an end to impunity and help Cambodians move toward a brighter and more prosperous future.  I welcome the progress achieved in recent months and encourages continued cooperation between Cambodian and international authorities.


I wish to thank the many individuals and organizations that have made this progress possible. Overcoming impunity requires courage, dedication, and resources. Many governments and private individuals have pushed for justice in Cambodia, and their efforts are coming to fruition. 


Many have chosen to support truth and accountability by assisting DC-Cam as well, and we are profoundly grateful.  Since 1995, DC-Cam has profited from a community of concerned volunteers, expert advisors, and international donors. We have also reaped the benefits of collaboration with like-minded governmental, non-governmental organizations and villagers in Cambodia’s 22 provinces that share our goal of achieving justice in Cambodia. Without their generous financial, legal, historical, and technical support, the success of our work would have been imperiled.


The same will be true of the upcoming Khmer Rouge tribunal.  The agreement adopted by the United Nations Third Committee is an important start, but it cannot guarantee the success of the tribunal in delivering the credible justice that Cambodians deserve. Significant concerns remain about the political will needed to ensure the tribunal’s credibility. A successful tribunal will therefore require the continued engagement of local and international citizens and groups, via both direct participation and constructive criticism. 


The same friends of justice who have helped the process reach its current point must stay involved in the search for justice and see it through to its conclusion. Financial, legal and technical support will be imperative, as will dissemination of the tribunal’s activities to a national and worldwide audience. Governments, NGOs, and individuals each have important skills to contribute. Together, we can ensure that justice is done and that a Khmer Rouge tribunal serves to advance reconciliation and the rule of law, in Cambodia and abroad.


Finally, while a Khmer Rouge tribunal is an extremely important step in the search for justice, memory, and national reconciliation, it can never be sufficient.  Dealing with the legacy of the Khmer Rouge period is a long-term process in Cambodia. It involves reconstructing the economy, strengthening the organs of democracy, and educating the younger generations. It also entails psychological healing and forgiveness in local communities.  A tribunal will support these processes, but it will not eliminate the need for them. 


I wish to thank the many individuals who every day works to bring about these aspects of reconciliation in Cambodia.  We are hopeful that concerned Cambodians and members of the international community will help the country heal and develop well into the future.

