rom 1995 to 2007, the Documentation
Center of Cambodia has set about the difficult – and often
disheartening – task of mapping the Cambodian killing fields.
Through interviews and physical
exploration, DC-Cam identified 19,733 mass burial pits, 196
prisons that operated during the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) period,
and 81 memorials constructed by survivors of the DK regime. Many
of those sites contain – or once contained – the remains of
thousands of victims, and they are located throughout 170
Cambodian districts and almost all of Cambodia's provinces.
The killing fields.
This country-wide map, produced by the Documentation Center of
Cambodia using GPS technology, summarizes the locations of mass
graves, former Khmer Rouge prisons, and genocide memorials
throughout Cambodia. |
thousands of mass graves and scores of DK prisons – many
reminders of the need for accountability. The uniformity of the
prisons and mass burial bits, supported by witness accounts
throughout the country, testify to the systematic application of
crimes against humanity – including
murder, and arbitrary imprisonment – on a horrific scale.
the mass graves and prisons revealing the unimaginable crimes of
the Pol Pot era, however, one finds testimony to the courage and
resilience of the survivors of Democratic Kampuchea. Next to many
of the sites where atrocities were committed, survivors of the DK
regime have erected memorials, seeking to honor their lost loved
ones and to come to terms with their difficult past. One must hope
that mapping the killing fields will help Cambodians realize that
they deserve justice and national reconciliation.
mapping project has been funded by the Royal Netherlands
Government and United States Department of State, Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and Labor (DRL). |