Documentation Center of Cambodia


Building Democracy in Cambodia through Legal Education

Witnessing Justice 30 Years Later


A Live Screening Verdict on Case 002/01 at Banteay Chhmar Pagoda

Banteay Chhmar Commune, Thmar Pouk District, Banteay MeancheyProvince


August 07, 2014


Photo by Sophat Morm, Mab Chhum, and Yonghuort Lim

These photos were taken in Banteay Chhmar Commune, Thmar Puok district, Banteay Meanchey, between August 6 and 8, 2014. The commune is 63 kilometers far from the Banteay Meanchey town and about 20 kilometers from Thai border. These photos show the activities of DC-Cam staff announcing to people about the hearing on verdict in Case 002/01, a group of people attended the live screening on the day of the verdict announcement which took place on 7 August 2014 in Banteay Chhmar pagoda, and the Banteay Chhmar commune landscapes.