Documentation Center of Cambodia


Building Democracy in Cambodia through Legal Education

Witnessing Justice 30 Years Later


A Live Screening Verdict on Case 002/01 at Ta Sanh Chas Pagoda

Samlout District, Battambang Province


August 07, 2014


Photo by Chea Phalla, Ry Lakana, and Em Thavrak

On August 7, DC-Cam conducted a live screening verdict of Case 002/01 at Ta Sanh Chas pagoda of Battambang province's Samlaut district—a former Khmer Rouge stronghold. During the Khmer Rouge regime, this pagoda was torn down, and used as military base.


The screening started at 9:00AM with participation of 70 villagers, teachers, village chiefs, and deputy commune chief. Before the session started, the team gave brief introduction to the verdict on Case 002/1 against Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, and distributed copies of A History of Democratic Kampuchea (1975-1979), Case 002 Booklet, "Who are the Senior Khmer Rouge Leaders to be judged?", Searching for the Truth Magazine, and a Trial Observation Booklet. It was then followed by discussion on judgment and collection of villagers' reactions. After the lunch break, the team screened the DC-Cam's award-winning film, "A River Changes Course".