Documentation Center of Cambodia


Live Screening of Duch's Testimony

Tuol Village, Chraing Chamres sub-district, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh.

March 20, 2012


Text by: Socheat Nhean

Photo by: Farina So and Faizine Tin

Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch was summoned to testify before the Trial Chamber of Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) from March 19 to 21 and he is scheduled to continue his testimony on March 26, 2012. On March 20, 2012, the Documentation Center of Cambodia hosted live screening of Duch's testimony from the ECCC at five different locations such as Royal University of Agriculture, Boeung Kak Mosque, Tuol Village, Chraing Chamres sub-district, Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh., Kong Pisey district of Kampong Speu Province and Chhveang commune office of Ponhea Leu district, Kandal Province. During the live screening, DC-Cam's Searching for the Truth magazine, "Genocide: The Importance of Case 002" and Trial Observation booklets were distributed.