On May 25, 2012 Cambodia Tribunal Monitor and Trial Observation Teams of the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) held a workshop on CTM website at the Norton University with an attempt to disseminate the information related to the ongoing development of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, raise awareness among Law students of the trials of the Khmer Rouge leaders, and to encourage more effective utilization of its website for research purpose.
The workshop took place from 8:00-11:00 AM with participation from 150 law students. To achieve a meaningful participation from the participants, CTM team prepared a range of activities, starting with a presentation by Trial Observation team and followed by a discussion on the Khmer Rouge history and the reconciliation processes in Cambodia. In addition, the team screened one documentary film “Tuol Sleng Prison” for the students to reflect on the lives and experiences of the victims and survivors under the regime. Most importantly, the team thoroughly presented key tools necessary to utilize the CTM website for a research purpose. Many questions and comments on the presentation and the KR history were collected. Mr. Yin Sophy, acting head of law at Norton University, closed the ceremony.
Funded by Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, and J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation, McArthur Foundation, and the British Embassy with core support from United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Swedish International Development Agency (Sida).
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Kim Sovanndany Email: truthdany.k@dccam.org or Tel: 012 711 123