On September 14, 2016, His Excellency Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism and Chairman of Inter-Ministry Committee on the Development and Preservation of Anlong Veng Historical Site, presided over a meeting inside Oddar Meanchey provincial hall. Present at the meeting were Oddar Meanchey provincial governor His Excellency Sa Thavy and representatives from ministries and Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam). After hearing H.E Sa Thavy’s briefing report about the fourteen historical sites spread out throughout Anlong Veng community, H.E Thong Khon gave the floor to DC-Cam. Mr. Vanthann Peou Dara began by thanking H.E Thong Khon and the Committee for such an important collaboration for the sake of development and preservation of Anlong Veng. Afterward, Dr. Ly Sok-Kheang, who takes the lead in the work in Anlong Veng, started his presentation by first drawing participants’ attention to the tasks provided to DC-Cam by the Committee, its past achievements and also its future plan. During the entire period of 2015-2016, DC-Cam established its secretariat, now known as the Anlong Veng Peace Center (AV-PC), to implement this special mission. The Anlong Veng Peace Center has achieved its main goals which were to renovate Ta Mok’s former meeting house, now serving as the headquarter of AV-PC and as a “library and information center”, to construct a new information desk inside Pol Pot’s Cremation Site, to install a timeline of the Khmer Rouge-Anlong Veng history and a walking map of the 14 historical sites, as well as to put up an exhibition inside the Ta Mok museum (Ta Mok’s former house). The Anlong Veng Peace Center sets out its future plan to train two generations of tour guides and to elaborate further on three historical sites: Pol Pot’s Cremation Site, Pol Pot’s Trial Place, and Son Sen’s Grave. Its ambitious plan is to seek support of various individuals, institutions and foundations to restore the road that connects Choam Sa-Ngam border check-point and the Anlong Veng Peace Center. The 3.5 kilometer dirt road has been almost totally destroyed by the monsoon rain and the constant refusal of the Thai authorities to have Cambodia repair it. With mutual understanding and approval, the proposed road construction is geographically important for a convenient accessibility of visitors from Cambodia and other countries. On September 15-18, 2016, a group of 12 students from the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) traveled to Anlong Veng and met with local high school students in the course of the Anlong Veng Peace Tour program. Together they took part in a series of presentations on the history of the Khmer Rouge movement, their presence in Anlong Veng as well as on the 14 historical sites. During their stay they also took up the opportunity to meet for interviews with local villagers. Since deforestation and unregulated logging are pressing issues in Anlong Veng, the students additionally grew around 100 trees around the Anlong Veng Peace Center and a dozen of palm trees on top of the Dangrek mountain.