Lyrics for Oh, Phnom Penh







I. Oh! Phnom Penh, during the three years we were apart, I missed you and my heart suffered each and every day, because the enemy cut off the affection between you and me.


When I was forced to leave you, anger burnt in my heart and compelled me to avenge [the sufferings you bore] to show my faithfulness to you.


R. Phnom Penh, our beloved city, in spite of the three years of hardship, you managed to preserve our [nation]'s bright history of courage and represent the soul of Kampuchea, which was once one of the world's glorious empire.


You prevented the disappearance of Cambodia, the descendant of the majestic Angkor empire.


Oh, the soul of the Khmer nation lives on and, oh, is inspired by the majestic Angkor empire.

Oh, Phnom Penh, now we are reunited and you are relieved from bereavement.

Oh, Phnom Penh, our nation's heart and soul.  



(Repeat R) 





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Searching for the Truth


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