A woman who worked as a cook at the military general staff hospital
in Phnom Penh (ex-Preah Ket Mealea hospital, near Voat Phnum) in
1975-1978 said that if the cooking did not please those in charge,
they would mouth off at the cooks. If the rice was raw, cooks were
tied up and taken into the forest to be beaten in order to
"refashion" them. There were armed guards there to prevent cooks
from running away. There were also executions, and the source was
almost a victim. She was blindfolded when taken to the site, but
saw blood and graves and knew this was a place where executions were
carried out. Combatants there put a gun to her neck and chewed her
out for not being able to do something simple like cook the rice
properly, and she cried and was not killed. She was brought back
to the hospital after three days, following appeals on her behalf by
her team chief.